martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011


Arbres que semblen estendre's fins a l'infinit. Llacs d'aigües pures i perfectament calmades. Dies tossuts que es neguen a deixar pas a la nit. Saunes infernals seguides de banys gèlids. Tranquilitat, manca de preocupacions i pau.

Les terres nòrdiques ofereixen totes aquestes coses meravelloses i moltes més. Tanmateix, no serà per tot això que mai oblidaré Lapònia, sinó per vosaltres. De tot cor, Kiitos :)


Trees that seem to expand themselves until infinity. Lakes with pure and perfectly calm water. Stubborn days wich won't let night fall. Hellish saunas followed by icy baths. Calm, lack of concerns and peace.

Nordic lands offer all these marvellous things, and much more. However, it won't be because of all of this that I'll never forget Lapland, but because of you. With all my heart, Kiitos :)

A les fotos/In the pics: Otsamo; Kettulampi; Albert, Nikola, Franzi & Claire (a.k.a p*nis team). Inari, Lappi, Suomi